There are those in life who push others down so that they may rise and then there are those who give a hand to those around them so that they may lift you up. I have been lifted up by the women in my life, carried with soft fingertips to a safe place, a place I find myself today.
My grandmothers were both presented with great challenges, much greater than mine and yet both were kind and loving, not everyone has been so blessed. My mother was stronger that she was anything else but she never spoke ill of others and she despised female games and game players. My granddaughter has taught me that there are no limitations but those you put on yourself.
My Mother taught me to be strong, kind, smart, forgiving, charitable and confident. These are the gifts I most treasure. Many mistake my attributes for reflections of those they lack, when in fact, that are gifts I am willing to share.
I will not be held back by your restrictions, instead I will be propelled by my dreams and by the love and support I am surrounded by. Each of you have taught me something, not all of it from a loving heart, but whether you meant to or not I will take the lessons presented to me and I will be a better person for it. Either you have tried to degrade me or to lift me, either way it is a direct reflection on you and a gift to me.
I have had many teachers in my life, both good and bad and I must thank you all for the lessons I have learned, I am a better person for it.
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